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Eagles in Oregon

Bald eagle in flightA sharp beak and lethal talons - hunting weapons of the Bald Eagle
Southern Oregon

Bald eagle close-up portrait
This majestic bird didn't mind me getting as close as 25 feet with my camera. Awesome experience!  Oregon Coast

Bald eagle
 Oregon Coast

Bald eagle in flight
 Southern Oregon

Bald eagle in flight
Southern Oregon

Bald eagle in flight
Southern Oregon

Bald eagles on the water
Breakfast on the Bay  -  Southern Oregon

Bald eagles in a tree
Mr. & Mrs. Baldy discussing today's events  -  Sauvie Island  

Bald eagle in flight   Bald eagle in a tree Sauvie Island

Golden eagle in a tree
Golden Eagle  -  Southern Oregon

Immature Bald Eagle in flight
Immature Bald Eagle  -  Southern Oregon

Immature Bald Eagle,  Mt Shasta backdrop
Immature Bald Eagle,  Mt Shasta backdrop  -  Southern Oregon

Lots of eagles, distant photo
Cropped photo taken at very long distance shows some of the 45 to 50 eagles that were gathered. Sandhill Cranes are visible as well in the middle of the field.
Southern Oregon

 Archival art prints are available of most images in sizes up to 24x36"

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Copyright Sven Durland Photography